
Mobile-Friendly website: now it is really a requirement

Mobile-Friendly website: now it is really a requirement

2014 was the year that saw the growth, in Italy and in the world, web surfing from mobile device, to overcome the use of internet from PC. Audiweb reports data on this increase, stating that 56% of the Italian population have a smartphone connected to the Internet (26.5 milion), recording an increase of almost 70% in the last two years, while 20% browse the web through a tablet (9.5 milion)

Worldwide data is much more substantial and Google could certainly not remain indifferent. So in 2014, Mountain View engineers studied an indicator that could highlight easy-to-view sites on smartphones and tablets to facilitate a presentation of content suitable for the user’s device.

Mobile-Friendly Label
In November 2014 came the Ad: in the search results of mobile devices will appear a label that will distinguish mobile-friendly sites to inform the user if the website has been optimized for display on smartphones and tablets. So the Mobile-Friendly Label in a few weeks has definitely established itself by joining the SERP also in the Italian version of the search engine.
But let’s see what are the features that make a mobile-friendly site according to Google:

  • omission of Flash animations, which are expensive in terms of battery consumption;
  • Texts with clear and readable fonts without the use of zoom;
  • All contents visible in the screen without the need for horizontal scrolling;
  • Interactive content positioned at a sufficient distance to allow easy touch on them.
mobile friendly label

The main guidelines for a website to receive the Mobile-Friendly Label and thus be optimized for mobile devices are all described in the Introduction Guide prepared by Google.

The latter makes available for free the Mobile-Friendly Test tool which, by entering the web address of the site you want to analyze, will return a positive or negative result based on the level of optimization for smartphones and tablets.

Follow Google’s instructions for positioning…

Having a Mobile-Friendly site is really becoming a requirement not to be underestimated.
Google in addition to the label in fact, considers usability in mobile devices a rank factor to enjoy better positioning in search results than those sites that have not yet updated their layout.
…but also to facilitate users

The need, however, is not to please the Mountain View giant, but to use the guidelines and tools that Google makes available to respond to an increasing number of users from mobile devices.

mobile friendly google
Site MOBILGAM developed by MEDIASTUDIO - with responsive design

The mobile version of a site must allow easy navigation inside, allowing a simple consultation to quickly find the subject of the search also from smartphones and tablets that, as you learn from the audiweb data, are increasingly used for Internet browsing.

Every user who navigates a website from a mobile device is always a potential customer: when unreadable and not easily usable content is presented to him, frustration will take over and the abandonment of the site will be almost assured.

For more information download our technical sheets or visit our site and the area dedicated to MEDIASTUDIO Services

Hashtag: #mobilefriendly #sitomobilefriendly #mobileversion #design #marketingstrategy #websitestrategy #websitedevelopment

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